Blockchain Initiatives on the Oil and Gas Industry

This thematic report is the outcome of a partnership between researchers of the Laboratory of Software Engineering (LES) at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) and Petrobras S.A., under the research and development agreement issued by Libra Consortium. This report aims to provide consolidated knowledge regarding the potential of global blockchain application in the oil and gas (O&G) industry. The dissemination of this content is in accordance with the university’s principles of open knowledge, led by ECOA at PUC-Rio, and definitely adds to the blockchain ecosystem dissemination.

Blockchain Oil and Gas Web Series

Aiming to share the potential of this technology in the O&G industry, PUC-Rio has produced an international web series called “Blockchain Oil and Gas”. Each episode brings rich details of global blockchain use cases that will bring insights to the O&G industry. This web series promote a deep dive discussion of opportunities, challenges, and a future vision of the technology.

If you have any suggestions or know a case that should be explored in our report, please fill the form here to let us know .