The ECOA PUC-Rio Institute is a complementary unit of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), linked to its Vice-Rectory of Development and Innovation (VRDI), whose purpose is:
Whether in the promotion of in-person events that encourage connections and exchanges, in the search for digital strategies that allow knowledge to be echoed exponentially or even in Phygital experiences, which connect these two realities (physical + digital), the ECOA Institute believes that the University is part of of a much larger ecosystem, which involves corporations, entrepreneurs, universities, government, venture capital and society, requiring a constant search for innovation in the construction and dynamization of these connections, in order to add value to these different actors and support the University in fulfillment of its mission.
Developed by ECOA, PUC-Rio’s digital content aggregator brings together multidisciplinary knowledge and live broadcasts, offering open (free) content in one place, in a browsing experience in the best style of streaming platforms. And best of all, you can issue a viewing statement and use it to request hours of extracurricular activities. Watch at
The way companies seek to innovate has been transformed in recent years. No one doubts the power of students and startups in this gear anymore. However, achieving results and making it work is not trivial. The University, with its experience in dealing with uncertainty and different audiences, knows how to design and execute open innovation programs that transform people and change the reality of businesses and sectors.
These are multidisciplinary training and co-creation programs, promoted by PUC-Rio with leading companies in their areas, such as Globo, Petrobras, MAG Seguros, IRB Brasil RE and Apple, which establish a systematic environment for ideation and experimentation, based on a differentiated methodology, to the creation of innovative products, processes and services. In these programs, undergraduate students are the protagonists and partners find a way to capture talent, promote the culture of innovation, receive insights and explore new products, processes and services.
If you are a university student, these programs are an incredible opportunity to advance your career!
According to THE University Impact Rankings, PUC-Rio reaffirms, year after year, its Latin American leadership in ‘Industry Development, Innovation and Infrastructure’. This University-Business cooperation is supported by a complex technology park, with different skills, specializations and domains, linked to the different areas of knowledge existing at the University.
When we are faced with complex problems and applied to real challenges in different economic sectors, transdisciplinary articulation allows us to achieve significant results in applied research and development projects. In this context, the ECOA Institute has become a relevant catalyst for different teaching and research centers at the University, forming teams with multiple skills to meet market demands in an agile, qualified way and aligned with PUC-Rio’s development objectives.
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